Interior Chinatown
All 10 episodes on Hulu 11/19/24
As Joe Wu. Based of the NY times best selling novel by the same title and showrunner/ author Charles Yu. An exception cast.
The Gunslingers - 2025
As the Chinese American sheriff Lin in the town of redemption. With Nicholas Cage
Believers 2
Catch “Believers 2” by South Korean director Jong-Yeol Beak and the fabulous South Korean actress Han Hyo-Joo!
Five Blind Dates
“Five Blind Dates” on Prime by the brilliant writer/actress Shuan Hu.
"Massagers 4 Sales" and " Chinatown Diner"
Short films by promising young next generation of Asian American, Asian Canadian women warriors in Aileen Wu and Meagan Lee!
“Massagers 4 Sale”,
“Chinatown Diner”